About the Event

Aviation Career Services (ACS) and the DuPage Airport Authority (DAA) have come together to deliver and host the first ACS Leadership Workshop for our industry. It’s an exciting time for ACS and our host airport DAA, as we work together to respond to the industry’s needs; developing our future leaders.

Our industry is currently going through a time of staff change and leadership attrition. With these changes come loss of institutional knowledge, loss of proven leadership and the loss of commonly accepted leadership practices. Understanding the importance of replenishing our leadership pipeline with a rich and proven curriculum, we are offering a leadership workshop delivered by professionals with extensive experience in adult education and development as well as airport and aviation industry practical experience.

Click here to view the Save the Date video!


Conference Dates 

August 20-22, 2017



DuPage Airport Authority (click for Google Maps)


Who Should Attend?

Aviation and airport professionals of all levels. Whether you’re a skilled leader or an emerging leader, there will be something for everyone.


Click Here to Learn More and Register Now!
